Circlusion.A Circus Performance as a Social Intervention
Physical Contact in Circus
Workshop focused on circomotoriek - circus games for children and [...]
Circus in a Psychiatric Hospital
After first international circus workshop for patients of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice which took place in November 2011, Cirqueon will organize a second one in January 2014.
Invisible Youth
Project of The Invisible Circus involves children and teenagers from Bristol to a circus project. International part lead by Holly Stoppit will happen in October 2013.
Circus for everybody?
Workshop concentrated on teenagers. It´s organized by Jonglier Katakomben in Berlin. 16th - 20th September 2013.
Ethnocircus. Circus in Roma community
Hungarian Juggling Association prepares a workshop for May 2013. It will focuse on children living in poverty in the North East of Hungary.
Youth Rehabilitation Centre
The practical part of this workshop will take place in a Youth Rehabilitation Centre in Valencia. Apart from that there will be theoretical part - basics of social circus taught by teachers form Ateneu Popular Nou Barris, Barcelona and a festival in the end of this week.
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